Dec 26, 2015Final design.11986402_865175893598277_3636437725300208531_n11947679_865175856931614_3630642948014795450_n_edited10354756_865175883598278_6824962814795852560_n_edited These are the photos of final, final paddles! They're a great design on the outside, but it's the inner design that makes them work (obviously) and what a great design they are!
11986402_865175893598277_3636437725300208531_n11947679_865175856931614_3630642948014795450_n_edited10354756_865175883598278_6824962814795852560_n_edited These are the photos of final, final paddles! They're a great design on the outside, but it's the inner design that makes them work (obviously) and what a great design they are!